Orkla stops business activities with Russia and Belarus

den 15 mars 2022
We suspended trade with Russia and Belarus starting March the 7th until further notice.

Dear business partner,

We contact you in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its consequences for our mutual business.

As you are aware, the European Union has, in coordination with the United States and other allies, announced new sanctions against Russia and has prolonged existing sanctions against Belarus. The situation develops quickly, and further restrictive measures are expected.

The current situation affects supplies, delivery times and payments. We are working diligently together with our business partners to mitigate the adverse effects caused by recent events. We thank you for your cooperation in this regard.

We are closely monitoring the development of restrictive measures and sanctions. Pursuant to a decision by Orkla ASA, the ultimate parent company of our Group, we suspend, with effect from 7 March 2022 and until further notice, trade with Russia and Belarus. Consequently, we will reject purchase orders for deliveries to Russia or Belarus (whether directly or indirectly through distributors). Furthermore, we will not purchase any goods that we know or suspect originate from the aforementioned countries.

We screen existing and new business partners in Russia and other high risk jurisdictions against sanctions lists and update our screening continuously. This is essential in order to ensure compliance with laws and to protect us and, by extension, our business associates.

As our professional business partner, we expect that you take necessary measures to ensure compliance with sanctions regulations, in particular that you continuously screen your business associates in high risk countries to make certain that neither your counterparties, nor their shareholders or beneficial owners are subject to restrictive measures or sanctions.

In cases where our screening identifies a “match” or where our counterparty lacks adequate preventive measures (such as sanction screening routines), we take appropriate course of action which may include an immediate suspension of all commercial activities and/or termination of the relationship. We strongly hope that you apply the same approach.

Please reach out to your contact person at Orkla if you have any questions regarding this message or if you foresee any challenges associated with your business partners that may affect your commercial activities with Orkla.
